Children in church: worshipping together... how?

The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call.’
— Acts 2:39
Photo from our 2019 church weekend away.

Photo from our 2019 church weekend away.

Why do children gather with us to worship on Sundays? Because they’re included with us in God’s gracious covenant promises in Christ! (Acts 2:39)

So what does that mean practically in our services? What can we be doing as a whole church family to serve our children in the time they are there with us?

For church leaders…

we want to plan services that engage and include them.

That doesn’t mean dumbing everything down and making it childish. It means involving the children in richly biblical prayer and praise that points to who God is and to big truths about him that they may not fully understand now but can gradually grow up into. At the same time, we want the children to know that we’re glad they’re there and that this time of worship is for them too. So we’ll take opportunities to speak to them directly as we lead, use visuals to help hook them in, and include elements like simple responses in our prayers of confession or actions in some of our songs that make it easier for children to join in.

For parents…

try to use our times altogether to actively lead your family in worship.

Do talk to your children during the service – point out what’s happening and why as we confess our sins and pray together; encourage them to join in where they can with repeated lines in prayers and songs. Those whispered exchanges week by week can be key discipleship moments for your family, drawing them into a pattern of worship that we pray they’ll come to make the habit of a lifetime. We know that often won’t feel easy to do or even very successful. Sometimes children are very distracted and some seasons in family life might make you wonder why you’re even bothering! But do hold onto the truth that your children will be picking up on more than you realise and learning important lessons from your simple commitment to being there. And please never feel worried if your children are unsettled and noisy. At those times please know that those around you are rooting for you as you encourage your children to take small, and yes often stumbling, steps on in their worship of our King Jesus.

And for those without children…

never underestimate the role you play in the children’s worship.

They’ll be learning from you as they see your heartfelt confession of your sin or your attentive listening to God’s word. They’ll be encouraged when you join in with the actions of a children’s song, not because you enjoy doing it but because you want to serve your younger brothers and sisters in Christ. And they’ll feel valued when you take the time to smile at them or say hello … even at the moment when it’s behind a face mask at a greater social distance!

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