Part of the good news found in Jesus is that he brings us into a new relationship with God and with others in the church family. While we have grown a little bigger as a church, we still want to find ways to grow in our life with one another. We may not be able to know everyone, but it’s good for us to know some people well, and that’s why we encourage everyone who can to be part of a small group.

There are a number of these groups meeting during the week and they are a key part of church life. They provide a place where we get to know and encourage others in the church family. Within these groups we aim to share our lives as we pray and study the Bible together. Our small groups include: Home groups, Tuesday Central (20s -30s), Morning Groups (Women) and, MEMBs (Men’s early morning Bible study).

Every few years we reshuffle our groups and also create some new ones. This gives a chance to review our current small group involvement, or perhaps join a group for the first time.

If you are interested in joining one of the groups below or just want to discuss what might be best for you, do email the office.


Groups of around 10 people meeting in homes around the city and beyond. Most of our home groups are on Wednesday night and run from 8pm to 9.45pm (though some meet on a Tuesday night or Sunday afternoon). The evening usually consists of a group Bible study, prayer and a chance to relax and chat with coffee and cake.

Keith Taylor (Home Groups leader)

Keith Taylor (Home Groups leader)

If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with Keith and Julia Taylor.

Julia Taylor (Home Groups leader)

Julia Taylor (Home Groups leader)


Tuesday Central is Christ Church’s group for young adults in their 20s–30s. It's a great place to meet people at a similar stage of life in a fun, relaxed, and friendly environment. On Tuesday nights we meet together in groups to catch up, to apply God’s word to our lives and to pray for one another. Groups also keep in touch and spend time together through the week.

For more information on Tuesday Central please visit our page:

If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with Michael Nicholson.

Michael Nicholson (Associate Minister)

Michael Nicholson (Associate Minister)



Morning groups provide a great opportunity for women to meet together for fellowship and Bible study whilst children are cared for in a creche. There are currently 5 groups meeting on Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 10am till noon. The morning groups follow the same Bible study series as the Home Groups.

If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with Rachel.



The Men's Early Morning Bible Study (MEMBS) meets at 6.45am on Fridays for coffee, croissants and bacon butties. This group offers men a chance to study the Bible, pray and meet with others all before the working day starts! The group meets at Christ Church and follows the same Bible study series as the Home Groups.

Richard Newman (MEMBs Leader)

Richard Newman (MEMBs Leader)

If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with Richard Newman.
